Business Review Cards

Get more 5 star reviews for your business

The perfect solution to get more reviews on Google, Tripadvisor and Trustpilot for more exposure online and more sales

review cards inc qr final
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Boost your reviews

Effortlessly boost your online reviews with your Exipnos Review Card - Google, Tripadvisor and Trustpilot

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Get instant reviews

Designed to make your customers review process simple, instant and fast.

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Improve your online presence

Improve your search engine visibility, enhance your online reputation, and attract more customers to your business.

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Ultimate review card

With the Exipnos Ultimate Review get more instant 5 star reviews with just a tap or scan of your Card.

Collecting reviews from your clients never been so EASY‼
Get yours today

Smart Business Cards

The last business card you will ever buy

Choose the most convenient and eco-friendly way to exchange information and take your business to the next level with our Smart Business Card today!

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Tap and share

Just tap, share, and connect with anyone by using the Exipnos smart business card.

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No more paper cards

Say goodbye to carrying a stack paper buiness cards, one card with all your contact details. 

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Nobody will loose your details

A little know fact - 88% of paper business cards given out are thrown away or lost within 7 days along with your contact information.

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The environment

Paper cards are expensive and bad for the environment, most end up in the rubbish.  Be Eco-Friendly with Exipnos.

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Exipnos Business Cards
The smart way to leave a
Lasting impression